重庆升降机 http://www.mgsjx168.com/的耐热材料,往往取决于热量的来源和强度,抗金属、布、板、橡胶和塑料都忍受的温度有一定的范围,在一般情况下,大多数升降机的耐热材料,可以承受一定范围内的热量才不会被氧化或燃烧。
Heat resistant metals in the Guiyang lift are typically used in high heat resistance, as most metals have high melting point. In buildings, heat resistant metals may be used to protect the structural components in the case of fire, and many metals can withstand open fires.
Guiyang lift heat resistant fibers may be the best material, there are a lot of fabric, can resist heat, many of which are designed for specific temperature range.
3、有时重庆升降机 http://www.mgsjx168.com/会选择橡胶或塑料,这些材料的相对较低的熔化和燃烧点使得它如此,耐热橡胶和耐热塑料往往是在温度较低的情况下使用,比如,耐热橡胶手套可能会对足以承受高温的水,但不与发热元件直接接触。
Sometimes Guiyang lifting opportunity choice of rubber or plastics, the material of relatively low melting and burning point makes it so, heat resisting rubber and plastic is often used in low temperature, for example, heat-resistant rubber gloves may will be enough to withstand the high temperature of water, but not with the heating element direct contact.