1.检查重庆升降货梯所有的液压管道和接头。管道不能有破损,接头不能有松动,必需将所有接头拧紧。Check all hydraulic pipes and fittings of Chongqing elevator. The pipe can not be damaged, the joint can not be loose, it is necessary to tighten all the joints.
2.液压油的油质和油位。升降机全程升起,在这位置时,液压地面应高出箱底 40~50 毫米。如发现液压油变暗、发粘或者有砂砾等异物, 应及时更换(32#液压油)。The hydraulic oil oil and oil. Lift the whole rise, in this position, the hydraulic ground should be higher than the 40 to 50 mm. If the hydraulic oil is found to be dark, sticky or gravel and other foreign bodies, should be replaced in a timely manner (32# hydraulic oil).
3.各部位均加注一些润滑油,延长升降机轴承使用寿命。 检查重庆升降货梯滚轮、中间轴及轴承,油缸销轴及轴承,臂架铰轴及轴承等有无磨损。All parts are filled with lubricating oil, prolong the service life of the lift bearing. Check Chongqing lifting elevator, roller shaft and bearing, cylinder pin shaft and bearings, boom hinge shaft and bearings are worn.
4.液压系统任何部位之间,必需首先卸压,以免压力油喷出,升降机工作台溘然下滑。Between any part of the hydraulic system, must first pressure relief, in order to avoid pressure oil spray, the lift table suddenly fell.
5.不得任意调整溢流阀。液压升降机系统中的每个元件都是在划定压力下工作的。任意调整溢流阀后,可能会造成液压系统非正常运转。May not adjust the relief valve. Each of the components in the hydraulic lift system is under pressure to work under pressure. Any adjustment of the relief valve, may cause the abnormal operation of the hydraulic system.
6.在升降机工作平台下面检验时,必需吊住、支撑升降机工作平台,以防升降机溘然下降.In the lift work platform for inspection, must hang, supporting lift work platform, to prevent the elevator suddenly fall.
7.非重庆升降货梯专业职员不得随意拆装电器,以防触电或误接。Non Chongqing elevator goods ladder professional staff shall not be arbitrarily disassembled electrical appliances, in order to prevent electric shock or mistake.