很多客户收到后不检查然后会造成了很多隐藏的问题,产生质量问题与重庆升降机生产厂家协调不好。Many customers do not check after receiving and then will cause a lot of hidden problems, quality problems and Chongqing elevator manufacturers do not coordinate well.
首先,要先查看重庆升降机设备外观漆是否完整,有没有出现大量掉漆的现象,在检查是否有说明书、合格证、保修卡、设备型号铭牌等,一般小场子或者调货商他们产品说明不完善。First of all, to check the appearance of equipment of Chongqing elevator paint is complete, there is no large Diaoqi phenomenon, in check manual, certificate, warranty card, equipment nameplate, general small scene or transfer goods taking their product description is not perfect.
其次,要检查重庆升降机支腿、轮胎、油管和地上或设备上有无油渍。Secondly, to check the Chongqing elevator leg, tires, tubing and ground equipment or have no grease.
最后,重庆升降机接电实际操作一次升降有无问题。Finally, Chongqing lift the actual operation of the elevator once the lifting of the problem.