电压不稳定会烧坏操作箱里面的各类电器元件,造成重庆升降机无法收到控制。All kinds of electrical components, voltage instability will burn out the operation box, causing Chongqing to receive control elevator.
频繁的电压不稳定会直接烧坏动力单元中的电机,电机烧毁导致的后果是非常严重的,会导致重庆液压升降机压力瞬间降低。Frequent voltage instability will burn out the motor directly in power unit, the motor burned consequence is very serious, will cause the Chongqing hydraulic lift pressure reduction.
如果重庆升降机没有安装溢流阀或者防爆阀等安全设备,会导致升降设备下坠,导致事故的发生,同样更换新的动力单元也是需要一定的费用,对于使用者来讲安全,稳定的电压是使用升降设备是非常重要的一个环节。If Chongqing is not installed elevator explosion-proof valve relief valve or other safety equipment, lifting equipment will lead to fall, leading to the accident, the same replacement the new engine also needs some costs, for users in terms of safety, stable voltage is the use of lifting equipment is a very important link.
重庆液压升降机在使用中尽量使用安全、稳定的电压,如果电压不稳,使用稳压器也是不错的建议,希望会帮助到大家。Chongqing hydraulic lift in use as far as possible the use of safe, stable voltage, if the voltage is not stable, the use of regulators is also a good proposal, I hope to help you.